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"I impulse the sacred space in which you will experience the trans mutation of your energy and your life "
Virginie B.
Shamane, inner journey guide

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Magnetism treatment recreates balance, the basis of health


The goal of magnetic healing is to balance the energies of the different chakras and invisible bodies. In a typical day we are faced with all kinds of people and energies. When we have not learned to recognize them, to protect themselves from them or on the contrary to feed on them, our personal energy is unbalanced. This imbalance can lead to discomfort, pain, illness. It is therefore important to take care of one's "energetic toilet" just as one brushes the teeth or the body. Just because some things are invisible doesn't mean they don't exist



Shamanic healing treatment aims to heal the soul


Shamanic care consists in welcoming, listening and guiding the suffering being, it tends to free the soul from the wounds of the past which prevent it from moving forward. This treatment relieves the soul and the body by listening to it and transmitting to it an energy of love and healing. The shaman does not have any mysterious "power", his only power is his ability to enter into a deep bond with people, animals, minerals, plants ... He has a deep awareness that everything is interconnected in the universe. He acts as an awakener, a channel, at the service of his client. The "cure" does not depend on him but on you, because you are at the helm of your life.


Shamanic care for an adult breaks down into 4 sessions

- Care of the world of childhood

- Care of the world of adolescence

- Care of the adult world

- Treatment to rekindle the sacred fire



Professional or personal coaching
Coaching is support aimed at setting a consultant in motion towards a specific objective that he has chosen for himself


Definition of coaching


Coaching allows the consultant to set off towards a specific goal that he has set for himself. The work is done 50% by the consultant and 50% by the coach who is responsible for the process, both moving forward together. The coach has no other intention than to provide the coachee with methods and processes allowing him to move forward. The coachee is fully involved in his change and finds his own solutions.


Role of the coach

source: ICF (International Coach Federation)


The coach considers his client as a partner. Both determine together the objective, the framework, and the expected results and the client remains solely responsible for his own objectives. In this sense, he is the master of the content. The coach is an expert in the coaching process and remains in control of the framework. His role as a partner requires him to be in a position to understand the professional issues of his client without however being an expert in the latter's profession. The coach will ask the right questions, the client will find his answers.

The role of the coach is to:

  • Discover and clarify what the client wants to accomplish in order to establish a contract based on a measurable and dated objective, accompanied by result indicators.

  • Help the client to identify his motivations, his strategies and his skills.

  • Show the client all the options available to him.

  • Confront the client with his commitments or his problem, if this can help him progress.

  • Help the client to reveal all the options available to him.

  • Help the client to produce their own solutions and strategies.


The consultation lasts between 1h and 1h30mn. Face-to-face or remotely


Soul Art
Soul Art is an "art therapy"


Soul Art is a form of creative dialogue with your body that allows you to obtain information directly from your soul. Using a mix of questioning, body representation and creativity, a Soul Art session creates a deep connection with your source. There is no need to be an artist or have an artistic flair for a Soul Art session. I guide you for 3 hours through your questions and you get meaningful answers. You discover another facet of yourself, a new way of expressing yourself and entering into a relationship with yourself, a quality of listening to your intuition, to your inner being. Spend 3 hours with yourself in full presence, in full awareness, what a gift! A unique experience


The session lasts 1/2 day 

It is a deep treatment that will surprise you with its intensity and the quality of the messages delivered, sometimes simple but so relevant.


Chi Nei Tsang Belly Massage
Chi Nei Tsang belly massage
(I practice this massage exclusively for women)
Chinese treatment massage aimed at transforming the energy ("Chi") of internal organs


Chi Nei Tsang is a holistic approach that comes from the mountain temples of Taoist China. It has been used by monks in monasteries to help them detoxify, fortify and refine their bodies, in order to maintain a high level of energy conducive to higher levels of spiritual training.


Chi Nei Tsang detoxifies and strengthens the body through manipulations that relieve the body from excessive stagnation, it improves the lymphatic and circulatory system

Chi Nei Tsang restructures by working on the positioning of internal organs. It is useful against all structural pains (back, neck, shoulder, foot, leg, pelvis)

Chi Nei Tsang helps to become more aware of emotional quality of life as any untreated emotion stagnates in our digestive system waiting to be processed. Poor emotional digestion is one of the main reasons for poor health


The consultation lasts 60 minutes and the treatment itself approximately 50 minutes


Consultation in Paris 16 or remotely

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My Healing Vibes © is a registered trademark

Legal notice: The treatments offered by My Healing Vibes are comfort treatments. It is not medical care. I am not a doctor, I do not determine any diagnosis, my services, not medical, are support for well-being.

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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